2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | Prior to 2002 |
Fadel TR, Sharp FA, Vudattu N, Ragheb R, Garyu J, Kim D, Hong E, Li N, Haller GL, Pfefferle LD, Justesen S, Herold KC, Fahmy TM. A carbon nanotube-polymer composite for T-cell therapy. Nature Nanotechnology. Published online 3 August 2014.
Seghal K, Ragheb R, Fahmy TM, Dhodapkar MV, Dhodapkar KM. Nanoparticle-mediated targeting of multiple human dendritic cell (DC) subsets leads to enhanced T cell activation via IL-15-dependent DC crosstalk. J Immunol. 30 June 2014.
Look M, Stern E, Wang Q, DiPlacido LD, Kashgarian M, Craft J, Fahmy TM. Nanogel-based particles for treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. J. Clin. Invest. March 1, 2013.
Ragheb RR, Kim D, Bandyopadhyay A, Chahboune H, Bulutoglu B, Ezeldein H, Criscione JM, Fahmy TM. Induced clustered nanoconfinement of superparamagnetic iron oxide in biodegradable nanoparticles enhances transverse relaxivity for targeted theranostics. Magn Reson Med. 2013 Feb 7.
Dong H, Fahmy TM, Metcalfe SM, Morton SL, Dong X, Inverardi L, Adams DB, Gao W, Wang H. Immuno-isolation of pancreatic islet allografts using pegylated nanotherapy leads to long-term normoglycemia in full MHC mismatch recipient mice. PLoS One. 2012;7(12)
Fadel TR, Li N, Shah S, Look M, Pfefferle LD, Haller GL, Justesen S, Wilson CJ, Fahmy TM. Adsorption of Multimeric T Cell Antigens on Carbon Nanotubes: Effect on Protein Structure and Antigen-Specific T Cell Stimulation.
Small. 2012 Oct 23. doi: 10.1002/smll.201201684. [Epub ahead of print]
Park. J, Wrzesinski SH, Stern E, Look M, Criscione J, Ragheb R, Jay SM, Demento SL, Agawu A, Licona-Limon P, Ferrandino AF, Gonzalez D, Habermann A, Flavell RA, Fahmy TM. Combination Delivery of TGF-b inhibitor and IL-2 by nanoscale liposomal polymeric gels enhances tumor immunotherapy. Nature Materials. Online July 15, 2012.
Corradetti B, Freile P, Pells S, Bagnaninchi P, Park J, Fahmy TM, de Sousa PA. Paracrine signalling events in embryonic stem cell renewal mediated by affinity targeted nanoparticles. Biomaterials. 2012 Jun 30. [Epub ahead of print]
Demento et. al. Role of Sustained Antigen Release from nanoparticle vaccines in shaping the T cell memory phenotype. Biomaterials. 2012 Jun;33(19):4957-64. Epub 2012 Apr 6.
Labowsky M, Fahmy TM. Diffusive transfer between two intensely interacting cells with limited surface kinetics. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2012; 74: 114-123.
Lee SK, Siefert A, Beloor J, Fahmy TM, Kumar P. Cell-specific siRNA delivery by peptides and antibodies. Methods Enzymol. 2012; 502:91-122.
Metcalfe SM, Fahmy TM. Targeted nanotherapy for induction of therapeutic immune responses. Trends Mol Med. 2012 Feb;18(2):72-80. Epub 2011 Dec 14.
Shirali AC, Look M, Du W, Kassis E, Stout-Delgado HW, Fahmy TM, Goldstein DR. Nanoparticle Delivery of Mycophenolic Acid Upregulates PD-L1 on Dendritic Cells to Prolong Murine Allograft Survival. Am J Transplant. 2011 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print]
Criscione JM, Dobrucki LW, Zhuang ZW, Papademetris X, Simons M, Sinusas AJ, Fahmy TM. Development and application of a multimodal contrast agent for SPECT/CT hybrid imaging. Bioconjug Chem. 2011 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print]
Steenblock ER, Fadel T, Labowsky M, Pober JS, Fahmy TM. An artificial antigen-presenting cell with paracrine delivery of IL-2 impacts the magnitude and direction of the T cell response. J Biol Chem. 2011 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Harrington JK, Chahboune H, Criscione JM, Li AY, Hibino N, Yi T, Villalona GA, Kobsa S, Meijas D, Duncan DR, Devine L, Papademetri X, Shin’oka T, Fahmy TM, Breuer CK. Determining the fate of seeded cells in venous tissue-engineered vascular grafts using serial MRI. FASEB J. 2011 Aug 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Vacic A, Criscione JM, Rajan NK, Stern E, Fahmy TM, Reed MA. Determination of molecular configuration by debye length modulation. J Am Chem Soc. 2011 Sep 7;133(35):13886-9. Epub 2011 Aug 16.
Vacic A, Criscione JM, Stern E, Rajan NK, Fahmy T, Reed MA. Multiplexed SOI BioFETs. Biosens Bioelectron. 2011 Oct 15;28(1):239-42. Epub 2011 Jul 23.
Park J, Mattessich T, Jay SM, Agawu A, Saltzman WM, Fahmy TM. Enhancement of surface ligand display on PLGA nanoparticles with amphiphilic ligand conjugates. J Control Release. 2011 Jun 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Almería B, Fahmy TM, Gomez A. A multiplexed electrospray process for single-step synthesis of stabilized polymer particles for drug delivery. J Control Release. 2011 May 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Demento SL, Siefert AL, Bandyopadhyay A, Sharp FA, Fahmy TM. Pathogen-associated molecular patterns on biomaterials: a paradigm for engineering new vaccines. Trends Biotechnol. 2011 Jun;29(6):294-306. Epub 2011 Apr 2.
Bandyopadhyay A, Fine RL, Demento S, Bockenstedt LK, Fahmy TM. The impact of nanoparticle ligand density on dendritic-cell targeted vaccines. Biomaterials. 2011 Apr;32(11):3094-105. Epub 2011 Jan 22.
Park J, Gao W, Whiston R, Strom TB, Metcalfe S, Fahmy TM. Modulation of CD4+ T lymphocyte lineage outcomes with targeted, nanoparticle-mediated cytokine delivery. Mol Pharm. 2011 Feb 7;8(1):143-52. Epub 2010 Dec 8.
Almería B, Deng W, Fahmy TM, Gomez A. Controlling the morphology of electrospray-generated PLGA microparticles for drug delivery. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2010 Mar 1;343(1):125-33. Epub 2009 Oct 24.
Look M, Bandyopadhyay A, Blum JS, Fahmy TM. Application of nanotechnologies for improved immune response against infectious diseases in the developing world. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2010 Mar 18;62(4-5):378-93. Epub 2009 Nov 14. Review.
Stern E, Vacic A, Li C, Ishikawa FN, Zhou C, Reed MA, Fahmy TM. A nanoelectronic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of proteins in physiological solutions. Small. 2010 Jan;6(2):232-8.
Fadel TR, Look M, Staffier PA, Haller GL, Pfefferle LD, Fahmy TM. Clustering of stimuli on single-walled carbon nanotube bundles enhances cellular activation. Langmuir. 2010 Apr 20;26(8):5645-54.
Capurso NA, Look M, Jeanbart L, Nowyhed H, Abraham C, Craft J, Fahmy TM. Development of a nanoparticulate formulation of retinoic acid that suppresses Th17 cells and upregulates regulatory T cells. Self/Nonself. 2010 Oct;1(4);1-6.
Park J, Gao W, Whiston R, Strom TB, Metcalfe S, Fahmy TM. Modulation of CD4+ T Lymphocyte Lineage Outcomes with Targeted, Nanoparticle-Mediated Cytokine Delivery. Mol Pharm. 2010 Dec 8.
Demento SL, Bonafé N, Cui W, Kaech SM, Caplan MJ, Fikrig E, Ledizet M, Fahmy TM. TLR9-targeted biodegradable nanoparticles as immunization vectors protect against West Nile encephalitis. J Immunol. 2010 Sep 1;185(5):2989-97. Epub 2010 Jul 26.
Stern E, Vacic A, Rajan NK, Criscione JM, Park J, Ilic BR, Mooney DJ, Reed MA, Fahmy TM. Label-free biomarker detection from whole blood. Nat Nanotechnol. 2010 Feb;5(2):138-42. Epub 2009 Dec 13.
Demento S, Steenblock ER, Fahmy TM. Biomimetic approaches to modulating the T cell immune response with nano- and micro- particles. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2009;1:1161-6.
Kress H, Park J, Mejean C, Forster J, Park J, Walse S, Zhang Y, Wu D, Weiner D, Fahmy TM, Dufresne E. Cellular Stimulation with optically manipulated microsources. Nature Meth. 2009 Dec;6(12):905-9. Epub 2009 Nov 15.
Park J, Fong P, Russell K, Saltzman WM, Fahmy TM. Long Circulating PEGylated Nanoparticles for Doxorubicin Delivery. Nanomedicine. 2009 Mar 31.
Steenblock E, Wrzesiniski, Flavell RA, Fahmy TM. Antigen presentation on artificial acellular substrates: Modular systems for flexible, adaptable immunotherapy. Expert Opin. Biol. Therapy. 2009 Apr;9(4):451-64.
Gao W, Thompson L, Zhou Q, Putheti P, Whiston R, Ma C, Terwilliger E, Fahmy TM, Strom TB, Metcalfe SM. Treg versus TH17 lymphocyte lineages are cross-regulated by LIF versus IL-6. Cell Cyle. 2009 May 1;8(9):1444-5.
Demento S, Eisenbarth SC, Foellmer HG, Platt C, Caplan MH, Saltzman WM, Mellman I, Ledizet M, Fikrig E, Flavell RA, Fahmy TM. Inflammasome-activating biodegradable nanoparticulates as vaccine delivery systems. Vaccine. 2009 May 18;27(23):3013-21.
Criscione JM, Le BL, Stern E, Brennan M, Rahner C, Papademetris X, Fahmy TM. Self-assembly of pH-responsive fluorinated dendrimer-based particulates for drug delivery and noninvasive Imaging. Biomaterials. 2009 Aug;30(23-24):3946-5.
Stern E, Mooney D, Fahmy TM. A Biomimetic Approach for the Creation of Two-Dimensional Microscale Surface Patterns: Creation of Isolated Immunological Synapses. Int. J. of Biomaterials. 2009.
Stern E, Jay S, Demento S, Muerlli R, Reed M, Malinski T, Spiegel DA, Mooney DJ, Fahmy TM. Spatiotemporal Control over Molecular Delivery and Cellular Encapsulation from Electropolymerized Micro- and Nanopatterned Surfaces. Adv. Func. Materials. 19, Sept, 2009. 2888-2895.
Steenblock E, Fahmy TM, A comprehensive platform for T cell stimulation based on biodegradable artificial antigen-presenting cell microparticles. Molecular Therapy. 2008 Apr;16(4):765-72.
Fadel TR, Haller G, Pfefferle L, Fahmy TM, Enhanced cellular activation with single-wall carbon nanotubes presenting antibody stimuli. Nanoletters. 2008 Oct;8(10):3310-4.
Fahmy TM, Demento SL, Caplan MJ, Mellman I, Saltzman WM. Design opportunities for actively targeted nanoparticle vaccines. Nanomedicine 2008 Jun;3(3):343-55. Review.
Nelson G, Papademeterious X, Shapiro E, Pober J, Saltzman WM, Fahmy TM, Breuer C. Initial evaluation of the use of USPIO cell labeling and noninvasive MR monitoring of human tissue-engineered vascular grafts in vivo. Faseb J. 2008 Nov 22; (11):3888-95.
Stern E, Steenblock E, Reed MA, Fahmy TM, Label-free electronic detection of the antigen-specific immune response. Nanoletters. 2008 Oct;8(10):3310-4.
Stern E, Routenberg D, Wyrembak P, Hamilton A, LaVan D, Fahmy TM, Reed MA. Label-Free Immunodetection with CMOS-Compatible Semiconducting Nanowires. Nature, 2007 Feb 1; 445, 519-522.
Fahmy TM, Schneck JP, Saltzman WM. A nanoscopic multivalent antigen-presenting carrier for sensitive detection and drug delivery to T cells. Nanomedicine: Nanotech., Biology and Med. 2007 Mar;3(1):75-85.
Fahmy TM, Fong P, Park J, Constable T, Saltzman WM. Nanosystems for simultaneous imaging and drug delivery to T cells. AAPS J. 2007 Jun 8;9(2):E171-80.
Shapiro E, Davis L, Fahmy TM, Dunbar C, Koretsky A. Antibody mediated cell labeling of peripheral T cells with micron sized iron-oxide particles (MPIOs) allows single cell detection by MRI. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 2007 May;2(3):147-53.
Stern E, Wagner R, Breaker R, Sigworth F, Fahmy TM, Reed MA. Importance of the Debye Screening Length on Nanowire Field Effect Transistor Sensors. Nanoletters 2007 Nov 14;7(11):3405-3409.
Samstein R, Perica K, Balderrama F, Look M, Fahmy TM. The use of deoxycholic acids for enhancing oral bioavailability of biodegradable particles. Biomaterials. 2007 Vol 29 (6) pp 703-708.
Mounzer R, Shkarin P, Papademetrious X, Constable T, Ruddle N, Fahmy TM. Dynamic Imaging of Lymphatic Vessels and Lymph Nodes Using a Bimodal Nanoparticulate Contrast Agent. Lymphatic Research and Biology. 2007 5(3) 151-155.
Stern E, Jay S, Bertram J, Boese B, Kretzschmar I, Evans D, Dietz C, Flye A, LaVan D, Malinski T, Fahmy TM, Reed MA. Electropolymerization on Lithographically Patterned Electrodes: A Novel Functionalization Technique for Protein and DNA Conjugation. Anal. Chem Sep 15;78(18):6340-6, 2006.
Keegan M, Royce S, Fahmy TM, Saltzman WM. In vitro evaluation of biodegradable microspheres with surface-bound ligands. J. Control. Release. Feb 21;110(3):574-80, 2006.
Fahmy TM, Samstein R, Harness C, Saltzman WM. Sustained target presentation in biodegradable polymers by surface modification with fatty acid conjugates. Biomaterials. 26, October 2005,5727-5736.
Fahmy TM, Fong P, Goyal A, Saltzman WM. Targeted nanoparticles for drug delivery. Nanotoday. August, 2005.
Prior to 2002
Fahmy TM, Paulaitis ME, Johnson DM, McNally ME. Modifier Effects in the Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Solutes from Clay, Soil and Plant materials. Anal. Chem 1993 May 15; 65: 1462-9.
Lebowitz MS, O’Herrin SM, Hamad AR, Fahmy TM, Marguet D, Barnes NC, Pardoll DM, Bieler JG, Schneck JP. Soluble High Affinity Dimers of T Cell Receptors and Class II Major Histocompatability Complexes: Biochemical Probes for Analysis and Modulation of Immune Responses. Cell Immunol 1999 Mar 15; 192(2): 175-84.
Slansky JE, Rattis FM, Boyd LF, Fahmy TM, Jaffee EM, Schneck JP, Margulies DH, Pardoll DM. Enhanced Antigen-Specific Antitumor Immunity with Altered Peptide Ligands that Stabilize the MHC-Peptide TcR Complex. Immunity 2000 Oct 1; 13(4): 529-538.
Fahmy TM, Bieler JG, Edidin M, Schneck JP. Increased TcR Avidity After T Cell Activation: A Mechanism for Sensing Low Density of Antigen. Immunity Feb 14; 14: 135-143, 2001.
Fahmy TM, Schneck JP. Probing T cell membrane organization using MHC Dimers. J. of Immunol. Methods. Oct 1; 268(1): 93-106, 2002.